SOLIDWORKS Electrical Spring Training Series: Part 2

This blog is Part 2 in our SOLIDWORKS Electrical (SWE) Spring Training video series. For video 1 on Interface configuration, please visit our previous SWE blog or our SWE YouTube video.

2D Footprint Wipeout Frame – Pitch Framing

Closeup of baseball on the ground

Location, Location, Location. That’s the name of the pitching game, and the great ones can put a pitch exactly where it needs to go with pinpoint precision and control. Well, their throw is only half the battle, as new analytics have shown that a huge part of getting the umpire to call a strike is the subtle body language of the catcher as he receives the ball in his glove. This “slight of hand” technique is called pitch framing, and a great catcher can tip the balance of the game and get just a few more strikes called to wipeout more batters.

In SOLIDWORKS Electrical, this little adjustment to the wipeout frames in your library of footprints (especially the non-rectangular footprints) will give you the control you need to knock out another design in time and wipeout the competition!

See how to specify a wipeout shape on any non-rectangular footprint symbol to ensure an accurate project layout!


Meet the Author

Evan Stanek

Evan has over 10 years of experience as an Electrical Applications Engineer. Prior to GSC, he worked as an engineer in the broadcasting field designing panel layouts and schematics/installations for transmitter control systems, as well as network and control layouts for radio studios. Evan is a certified SOLIDWORKS Electrical Trainer and Electrical Applications Engineer (CSWE).

view all posts by Evan Stanek

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