
CAD Software Implementation

Avoid common implementation pitfalls with help from our leading experts.

Product Data Management

Data management solutions make your team more efficient and maximize collaboration for your enterprise.

Electrical Implementation Services

Take the headache out of implementation and get your team up to speed quickly.

Control Your Design Process

Are you controlling your design process, or is it controlling you and your team? Bretford, a furniture manufacturer, found that SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional let them be fully in control because they knew they were always working on the latest, most up-to-date file.

The notification process is much more intuitive as well, looping in engineers on when a design goes to its next state. This makes your teams highly aware and on the same page with all documentation.

GSC Event
About GSC

We learn your business processes, and then offer solutions to drive  enterprise-wide success. Let us show you why we've been recognized by SOLIDWORKS for top customer retention for 17 years in a row.